Sunday 6 November 2011

Pitch Evaluation

Our pitch for 'The Set Up' went really well; the class enjoyed our sample scene and even said they would fund our idea if they were a real company in the industry. We received lots of positive feedback, as well as some comments that will allow us to improve on our ideas; one of these being about the lighting (it was too dark)- something that we already knew we had to improve on. Our classmates suggested using more lights such as lamps or torches, or reflectors to manage the light in the scene whilst maintaining the eerie, night-time feel. 
We were praised on our use of codes and conventions, as the class felt they portrayed the conventions of the horror genre really well. This was a great confidence boost for me and my partner as we had spent a lot of time researching this element of our film- it is especially important to have effective codes as that is what will make the twist at the end all the more shocking. 
One of our classmates challenged our use of a male character for the protagonist, as this does not fit usual horror conventions, however, we decided that a male being made to look vulnerable would increase tension and build on the intense atmosphere. Of course, we must remember that it is not actually a horror, but a psychological thriller with a twist. 
Overall, the feedback we received helped us greatly and will allow to make our film much more effective. We have taken away all suggestions and are currently discussing how we can interpret them into our film. 

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